Lose weight by sleeping
Lose weight by sleeping
Losing weight while sleeping? This is possible by following a few very simple recommendations to apply. Certain factors such as diet, light or ambient temperature can influence your metabolism. Here are 5 tips to help your body burn the most calories while you sleep.
Avoid drinking alcohol
Besides the risk of waking up with a hangover the next day, drinking alcohol just before bedtime is strongly discouraged. And for good reason, the body will metabolize alcohol during your sleep, preventing you from reaching the so-called paradoxical sleep phase. Phase during which the body burns the most calories! It is recommended not to drink alcohol at least 3 hours before going to bed.
Sleep naked
This is not necessarily the solution we would immediately think of to lose weight , and yet it works! Sleeping naked would cause our bodies to make efforts to warm our bodies. It would then naturally produce energy allowing us at the same time to burn calories!
Lower the room temperature
A tip that follows on from the previous one. Studies have shown that people sleeping in rooms with temperatures around 19 ° C burn up to 7% more calories than people sleeping in warmer rooms. A phenomenon due to the fact that the organism works actively to make the body reach the normal temperature of 37 ° C.
Sleep in total darkness
Or at least limit the light sources as much as possible when sleeping. Alarm clock radio, lights coming from outside, night light, blue light emitted by smartphones and tablets ... According to the scientific journal Journal of Pineal Research , sleeping in the dark would allow the human body to produce the hormone melatonin. Hormone that would allow us to sleep better and thus burn calories.
Take the time ... to sleep!
Sleep more to lose more weight, this is a formula that leaves you dreaming! An American study has shown that a well-rested person saw their energy expenditure higher by 5% compared to a person in lack of sleep. Good sleepers would also burn up to 20% more calories after eating than someone who only slept a few hours. Note that you should sleep between 7 and 8 hours to get a good full night.
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