How to lose belly fat naturally

How to lose belly fat naturally

Lose belly fat

How to lose belly fat naturally?

Tired of this little bead at the bottom of the belly? Tired of being bloated all day long? Tired of asking yourself thousands of questions as the holidays and summer approach? 
Have you tried everything: diets, pills, repeated abs, Sunday morning run, but nothing works? 
And for good reason ! 
We will see in this article why losing fat and especially that of the belly is essential, and the importance of feeling good about yourself. 
We will see in a second step how to lose it naturally, as well as the essentials to achieve it. 
"There is a sorcerer only what one designates as such"

Why lose belly fat? 

We are all overwhelmed by aggressive advertising and more diverse ads than there is a search topic on google. Computer, TV, radio, social media, the list goes on and on! 
 From fashion ads, to announcements of new miracle pills, to the promotion of thinness (although things seem to have changed in recent months), nobody knows where to turn. Over the fashions and cultures, movements and seasons, each new title brings its share of consolation. 
The vagaries of everyday life do not help: stress, junk food, hormonal changes, pregnancy, burn-out, disinformation ... 
We live in a society where capitalism has taken over nature, and where, even in human relationships, places are biased. Bombed, murdered, the morale of the French is often at a low point, to the point where the is lost in his own life. 
Our health takes a hit.
  • You feel empty, on the verge of burnout, without meaning in your life. 
  • We are constantly tired and overwhelmed
It is then that we turn around one day and that we realize, not without terror: that we have let ourselves be overcome.
You are aware that a good balance, physical and mental, requires a non-exhaustive list of factors: 
  • Physical activity 
  • Rest
  • Food 
  • Trip
  • Exits
  • Hobbies
  • Family
Unbalance a single pole and you will feel a real dysfunction. So unbalance them all and it's a disaster. It is almost useless to specify that one pole leads to another, by domino effect. 
Someone who stresses at work and does not spare calm time, will tend to sleep less well, to eat more to compensate, to go out by fatigue and to be more angry with his loved ones.  
However, it is more than essential for anyone to feel good in their head and in their skin, the one going therefore, not without the other. 
The physical is what allows us to live our life, to live with ourselves, but also with others. Your companion, your friends, your children ... 
We all dream of showing ourselves in our best light and yet, by a whole bunch of bad choices (and very often of excuses passed under the threshold of consciousness), we find ourselves at a point where, we don't recognizes himself more. And the list is long : 
  • I do not have time 
  • I'm too fat, it's a waste of time 
  • It's no use 
  • It's in my genes
  • I have no money…
But it's also from the inside that you have to take care of yourself. From his cells, his organs, his brain. Everything is in (dys) harmony, in (dis) balance. 
Let's come to the physical plane. In addition to the recommendations of daily intake of calories, variable according to your size, your age and your activity, it is on your rate of fat mass that must be looked at. Do not panic ! the range is large and for good reason, we can never repeat it enough, but each body is different, and therefore, to be approached with love and attention. 
The ideal fat mass level in a woman is around 20 to 32%. As stated above, this varies depending on characteristics that are personal to you. 
It is important not to be too below: a too low fat mass will cause a malfunction of the body, creating deficiencies and diseases. 
Not to be too high either: who says fatty mass says envelopment of the organs by adipose tissues. 

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How is it bad? 

Beyond the visual and aesthetic aspect of the thing, having too much fat in the body suffocates the functioning of the organs, and in the case of abdominal fat: HEART! 
It also prevents proper assimilation of food, it clogs the vessels and weighs down the entire system which becomes weighed down. 
Who rhymes with fat, often rhymes with bad eating habits accumulated for years: 
  • Meals taken too late, preventing good digestion and promoting fat storage
  • Meals taken on the go, without conscience 
  • Meals taken in stress
  • Poor overall food balance 
  • Lack of physical activity
Or : 
  • Pregnancy
  • Diseases (thyroid…)
  • Hormonal imbalance 
  • Pill 
  • Repeated alcohol and sugary drinks

How to lose it? 

As I told you earlier, losing fat is the result of overall balance. 
Be careful before you start: you cannot "target" an area of ​​the body, where you want to lose fat… you can lose overall, then in certain areas more than others depending on your body type, and finally firm and reshape with details of the zones thanks to sport and targeted massages. 
We will approach the poles of your structure in this order: 
  • Food
  • Sport 
  • Massage, lymphatic drainage
  • Sleep 
  • Relaxation 
Food . 
Diet is the major factor in losing weight, and therefore abdominal fat, which is so complex for so many women today. 
  1. Healthy eating . Major pole of good food, healthy food. It involves choosing the right foods, the healthiest and least processed possible, and avoiding products of animal origin as much as possible (or even completely). It is also a question of relearning what healthy means, because saint does not rhyme with without sauce and without life, on the contrary…
  1. Une alimentation sans frustration. Une envie de cookie ? Foncez ! Une envie de raviolis ? Foncez ! Il s’agit de trouver un équilibre entre aliments sains et aliments transformés. Pour changer progressivement (pour ceux pour qui la radicalité du jour au lendemain ne convient pas), pensez à changer les sucres raffinés par des sucres complets, rajouter des légumes pour les micronutriments, les fibres et la satiété, et cuisiner ses plats préférés à la maison (pizza, burger, etc. cela permet de se rendre compte des composants). Tout plat, est réalisable de façon saine, à moindre calorie et très nutritif, à moindre temps ! 
  1. Seasonal food . It is important to consume seasonal foods. Fruits, vegetables, they will be richer in water, sun, vitamins and minerals. This also allows you to vary the menus throughout the year and never get tired. A good salad in summer, and a creamy soup in winter! 
  1. Food time-bound . No more skipping meals or eating nutella bread at 9pm in front of the TV "because we are too lazy to cook". It is important to set precise time slots where you take real time to eat. eating too late at night (after 7:30 p.m.) hinders good digestion and therefore optimal restful sleep. It is also essential that you allow this time of night for your organs to rest. Digestion is a process that requires a lot of resources and energy from the body, so the lighter and the sooner, the better! 
  1. No demonization . Do not demonize certain categories of food ... but be aware of their composition. To be aware of the fuel that you put in your body is to be an actor in your life. 
Stay hydrated again and again! your body needs it to function optimally, and you will be all the more grateful that you provide it with the liquids necessary to fluidify and drain the toxins to eliminate, and to hydrate your cells, very greedy in water! 
Water, tea, herbal teas…
MOVE! We can't say it enough! MOVE! It is important, at any age and at what time, to practice "regular physical activity". Your body is a magnificent machine, designed to move! So in addition to sports sessions, we set up reflexes to move: playing with our children or grandchildren, taking the stairs, and even making love…
Beyond well-being and overall balance, sport helps burn fat (especially with cardio, like HIIT) and build muscles (which will burn more calories, being very energy-consuming). 
And it allows finally, to let off steam, to evacuate toxins (very important also !!!) and to release any tension leading to: stress, overeating, fatty and disorganized. 
Massage . 
I am not talking to you about massages in institutes (although very effective, in particular lymphatic drainage) but about self-massages that you can administer yourself on a daily basis. In the evening, after showering in bed, massage all the areas of the body, emphasizing the "problem" areas. They will have the advantage of draining, water, toxins and taking off the tissues that can be burned during physical activities for the following days - especially if these fats have been installed for years, and that they have housed up to become one with your body. 
Simple oil (coconut ...) is enough. NO need to buy a "special cream", if not make a hole in your wallet and feed the big global companies on this very juicy trade. 
Sleep . 
Sleep is more and more disturbed in our postmodern society: telephones, waves, digestion, stress ... It is however so important. 
It is a period during which the organs regenerate, the brain memorizes, and the mind procrastinates. 
A lack of sleep can generate chronic fatigue then long lasting, stress due to non-management of emotions (which generates snacking), a lack of energy (therefore a laziness to do anything, even a ride ), and a lack of mental clarity. 
Relaxation . 
Relaxation, a major theme in books and other personal development magazines. They made it a fashion, and so much the better! Could you tell me the date of the last time you spent a quiet time, with you and only you, to read, meditate, draw and reflect? 
The stress hormone, cortisol, the bane of our metabolism, can only be stopped by the effects of sport (which release endorphins and soothe) and relaxation which helps to delay and create a break in time, for you. 


 The body, this magnificent machine so simple and complex at the same time. He fascinates all of science, medicine, biology, lobbies and salespeople, who try to tame him with chemistry and new fads. 
The basic principles are however so simple… good nutrition, good hydration, sleep, sport and calm times, for a healthy life, a healthy body and mind and a life of joy and love. 
To apply these pillars is to say goodbye to yoyo diets, to pills that create a financial abyss in your wallet, at times to lament in the changing rooms, to doctors and diseases of all kinds (stroke, cancers, joint pain ). 
And that is to say hello to lightness, to vacations without complex, to love, to joy… quite simply to life. 
The madness of simplicity is too rare, and yet it is the watchdog of the door, towards your new life. 
It's your turn.


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